.: Ski XCOttawa.ca :: Skiing in Ottawa and Gatineau Park

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First Snowfall Contest Rules
By:  Team XCOttawa   (2006/10/20)

This is just a preview of the article, it might still need editing or revision.


Are you an amateur weather prognosticator? Can you smell snow in the air before it falls? Are you addicted to the weather channel? Do you know all the most recent weather related trivia from Environment Canada? Do you own a book written by Dave Phillips, or even know who he is for that matter?

If you answered 'YES' to any of those questions, then we have a great contest for you!

Be the first person to correctly predict when we will get the first snowfall of the ski season and win a prize!

Contest Rules

Who may enter: The contest is open to anyone, amateur and professional meteorologists alike. In fact if you are a professional meteorologist we dare you to make a prediction!

Judging: In order to make it easy to officiate and have a permanent record of the first snowfall, the XCOttawa webcam will be the judge! This also allows all of us snow obsessed skiers to watch the 'action' live all day long. The person whose prediction is closest to the actual date/time of the first observable accumulation wins. To clarify, observable will be white covering the grass sort of like...

To Enter: Email your entry to info@xcottawa.ca - including your name, your address, and at least 3 boxtops...er, rather the EXACT date and time you think it will snow in the Gatineau Park. Here are the acceptable date formats..

1) YYYY/MM/DD at HH:MM, i.e. - 2006/10/12 at 13:55

2) Month DD at HH:MM, i.e. - October 12th at 13:55
Prizes: A selection of small prizes from our sponsors for the winner. But really it's all about the prestige! (Sorry, we can't mail prizes but will coordinate with winners to pick them up in Ottawa!).


Don't be shy, place your bets!



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